Thursday, January 15, 2009


I am a successful and winning grantwriter.
I am delighted by how fun and easy this all is.


Bridge said...

love life. love life.

Tracy said...

so happy to hear from you m! happy new year~~~ namaste!

Unknown said...

Great attitude! I need your positivity. And a literary agent. Do you have either I can borrow?

Marie said...

Dear Bridge -
I know. I do.

Your blog is a great reminder for that!!

Marie said...

Dear Tracy-
Thanks for the invite!! It's good to stay in touch.

I know you'll have a wonderful journey!


Marie said...

Hi Andrew!
I think you have your own heaping helping of positivity, i.e. your Sunshine & Shit post.

But you are more than welcome to borrow mine!

The literary agent, alas, I can't help with.

Maybe Fiona can??

Great day!

Ursula said...

Yeahhh, what a change.
I see you optimistic.
The red on your picture is so powerfull, so are you.

And I like to see: your blog is growing. :)

All the best

Marie said...

Hi Ursula!
It just felt like it was time for a change. Every now and then, it's good to try something different :)

(Someday, I'll get around to loading my vast store of updated photos.)

Shanti Om -