Saturday, June 27, 2009

Coming to Completion

It's the last weekend of my yoga teacher training program. Hurray! Tomorrow's the last day, and while I am deeply sad to be losing the companionship of the fantastic group I've trained with, I am overjoyed to be finishing this responsibility.

The day was intense. Two hours of strenuous asana practice, and then the final exam. Six essay questions, three hours of straight writing, all while seated on the floor, of course.

Looking back through my notes, I reflected on all the events of the past eleven months. Sure enough, about halfway through the program, all hell broke loose in my life, just like our instructor promised it would. But I came through it all, a day, a week, a month at a time.

And now I am here. On the cusp of summer, and vacation, and long, lazy days with my beloved family. With a growing career, a regular writing habit, and a mood that continues to balance more towards the positive, the loving, and the hopeful than anything else.

Oh, and in a matter of weeks, I'll officially be a Registered Yoga Teacher!!

Namaste to you all, and my love for reading about my life. Take care and be well.


Unknown said...


Ursula said...

Great and congratulations.

It is wonderful that you can teach yoga now.

All the best.

Marie said...

Thank you! I'm just back from the last day and feeling so good about being done!

Now, I'm very open to what the Universe will bring my way next, and so curious to see how it will include yoga in my life!!

green ink said...

How exciting Marie - congratulations! I hope to do something similar myself one day.