Thursday, October 23, 2008

Not Much Time

Yesterday evening, as my husband and I were relaxing in our living room after putting our daughters to bed, he lifted his head from the worn ivory armchair and looked at me. His blue eyes were tired and serious. “You know I haven’t got much time left,” he proclaimed.

I froze, trying to figure out his meaning. He doesn’t have cancer. He wasn’t clutching his chest, or burning with fever. Perhaps he knows something I don’t, I worried. Perhaps he is intuitively sensing that he is ill and this is his grave way of telling me. Or could he just be sick and tired of me – finally? Is this the end? All of these thoughts spun through my mind like moths fluttering.

He continued, “I have to go to sleep soon.”

Relief flooded me. He wasn’t talking in cosmic terms, making a pronouncement in the huge picture of life; he just wanted to go to bed.

How often I find myself thinking on a large scale when it is simply the next few moments that matter the most.

(written 1-10-08)


Ursula said...

Men are a simple fellows. I mean this in the best sense.


Very honest post, like this.



Marie said...

Thank you, Ursula!