Contrary to my plan of going to the office to write, I find myself still at home. Writing, just not grants.
I engaged in a bout of stream-of-consciousness cleaning, and now I feel better. That’s my own term. It’s when I wander about the house, cleaning something in every room I go into and letting task open onto task. If I stay at it for a while, eventually the rooms are tidied, I’ve swept, I’ve dusted, I’ve polished mirrors and scrubbed sinks and used wet towels to wipe floors and then started laundry and so on.
I’m grounding myself in the quiet and solitude after such an engaged weekend. I lit candles with a prayer for peace. I listened to Cuts You Up about 15 times. Every now and then, I stop to do an asana or chant a few Om’s. By putting my environment in order, I give myself space to come to relaxation and creativity. I honor the Niyma of Saucha - cleanliness. The automatic movements of cleaning free my brain to wander and imagine.
Hi. I'm using your blog as an experiment for my Yoga blog! I hope you don't mind. Your blog was the one that happened to pop up in Google blogs when I put in "yoga philosophy".
I'm writing a book about Yoga philosophy and I decided to try writing it on a blog so I could get constant feedback and discussion as I write.
I decided to see what would happen if I went to Google blogs and tried to find people with similar interests.
Lucky you--you're the very first person I'm contacting.
Please take a look if you're interested at
One of the things I'm trying to decide is whether to stick with Wordpress or switch to Blogger.
Thanks for your help, if you have time to look at my site.
Bob Weisenberg
Hi Bob -
Good luck to you in your writing efforts.
I'll check out your text at your site.
Thanks for responding, Marie.
Since I wrote a few days ago I've spent some time comparing Wordpress to Blogger. They both have their strengths, but Wordpress is clearly the choice for someone like me who has a page-oriented site, vs. a chronological orientation, like most blogs do. In fact, my site really isn't a blog at all, but an interactive publishing site. So it makes sense that Wordpress would fit better.
But Blogger has at least as many features for the true blogger, I think.
Bob W.
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