Sunday, August 16, 2009


I've been thinking a lot about a friend lately. She's been going through a rough time, and I really feel for her. The last few years have been particularly difficult, in that ongoing way that is draining to live through and painful to watch. About all I can do is stand by and give her my message of love and support.

I may not agree with every choice she's made, but so much of life is not knowing where our choices will wind up taking us. And she certainly deserves more happiness than I've seen in her.

Also, she has two beautiful children, a girl and a boy, adorable and deserving as all children inherently are. My heart breaks for the difficulties they've had to witness and adapt to. For their sake and for hers, I hope this long lasting struggle can have a contented ending.

With every beat of my heart, I hope she's okay. I hope her family will be okay. I hope they will find love and security and joy.

I don't know if she reads my blog - it's not really her thing. But I'm posting my good wishes here as a public declaration, and as a hope that already, even now, things are just that slight bit better than they've been in the past, and will continue to steadfastly, unfailingly, beautifully improve.

Lots of love,

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