Friday, April 20, 2012

Feeling Happy!!

Even though it's blazing hot here - like crazy, extra-summer hot - I'm looking forward to this weekend. We will make our annual trek to the Festival of Books, talk writing, browse books, and see some of our favorite authors.

I don't like USC as the venue at all; I miss the graceful campus of UCLA. Otherwise though it should be a fun LA weekend. We even hotwired a boutique hotel for tomorrow night. After the pace of the last few weeks, I'm looking forward to a restful pause.

I have two more proposals to finish up tonight, but they're mostly done so I think I can complete them before I sleep. I'm looking forward to finally being caught up with everything next week!


Unknown said...

Very glad to see that you're happy!

Marie said...

Thanks so much! How nice to hear from you again. And I notice that you're back to blogging. I'll be reading!